Virtuous and Vicious Circle

Vicious circle explanation

A virtuous circle is one where a good event feeds on itself to improve business further. It is a positive feedback loop. A virtuous circle can be small operating over days or it can drive a whole company’s strategy for decades. The same positive feedback loop can also run in reverse however, to create a vicious … Read more

What Is The Concept of Core And Context?

Concept of 'Core' vs 'Context' - how it works and hw muhc is it (1)

Core and Context is a distinction that separates the few activities that a company does that create true differentiation in customers’ eyes (CORE) from everything else that a company needs to do to stay in business (CONTEXT). “Core” refers to the innovative processes that businesses undertake to create differentiation that wins customers. “Context” refers to … Read more

What Is An Activity System Map?

Activity System Map

Introduced by Michael Porter in 1985, an activity system map is a powerful tool used in strategic planning to visualize and enhance an organization’s competitive edge. It illustrates the links between the clusters of activities and the processes that support the core competencies, hence representing how the activities pursued by an organization fit with and … Read more

What Is the Flywheel Concept in Business?

Business man signing papers on his work desk

The flywheel concept in business is a strategic approach where small, consistent actions build momentum, leading to significant long-term growth. This concept emphasizes how repeated efforts can accumulate and create powerful forward motion. Forget about quick fixes. The flywheel requires patience and persistence. But you will pay for it, believe me. The results of such … Read more